Hey everyone, it's officially BBTUD's 5th Year Anniversary (December 15th)! For this celebration, the full project source code has been released. What that means you can now explore the deep ends of my project.
Can I use this source code for something?
You may use any of the assets, code, or anything here for your own project or use it as a template. Do whatever you want with it, as long as it respects the original license of The Open Source Baldi Project (do not use it for commercial purposes). If you plan to publish using anything from the source code, you must CREDIT me if you're borrowing my code. Ideally, you should also credit anything that involves someone else's code such as the third-party assets. You 100% must credit me if you are using the project as your template.
What is the Unity version to run this project?
You must have a minimum version of Unity 2022.3.21f1+ to open this.
Notice about Multiplayer
People who play Multiplayer on the Open Source version will not be able to connect with people in the original game. This is to prevent issues with the game changes you make, and I highly encourage you to create your own Photon project and use that App ID instead if you make map changes.
How to build on certain platforms, especially Android?
It's recommended that you have Unity Hub. If you have already installed a Unity editor, click the settings icon next to the Unity editor and click Add Modules. Make sure you select the three options (Android Build Support, OpenJDK, and Android SDK & NDK Tools). Go ahead and install those, and you'll be able to build Android on the source code.