Basic info:
Age: 15
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Dynocation (species not mine. The species is made by @Dynocation
Religion: None
Height 4' 8
Any type of food is his favourite. Except (CLASSIFIED) made ones especially from (CLASSIFIED)
Has great interest on humans and their inventions and technology
He loves fire :3
Uses fire magic. One of the hardest magic types. He was taught by North and later get's to get the hang of it.
Wants to see the (CLASSIFIEDS) burn
Friends with Dusk, North, and Ruby
Can speak english without making any static like noises.
He doesn't show his claws because he doesn't wanna hurt people
Uses 2 burning, chained blades as a weapon. He sometimes plays God of War on his free time. (he once modded the game turning Zeus into the Dyno Zeus instead)
Incredible likes on human music like rock
Fire doesn't do anything to him. Infact, he likes using it as a blanket when sleeping.
He somehow learnt to become fast. Don't ask why
He likes to taunt his enemies. Pissin' them off or making them get angry and crash out.
Annoying. No explanation needed.
He never usually releases his excess Cytoplasm on his pseudopods. Sometimes he does privately.
(For Dyno Users, the translation is at the bottom!!)
Heya! Ray here! Ok Dusk? I don't wanna do this, I'm kinda uhhh... Shy to humans actually- (JUST DO IT!! *Dusk said calmly*)
So.... You probably know me! Well, maybe no. I'm not much popular on the Dynocation community anyway. But since you're here! Let me tell you more about myself!
Other than this childish cat over here, (HEY!) I am a Dynocation of course, what colony from? Not telling ya >:<
Incase you haven't noticed, I can speak english without having a staticky voice. Dusk had to teach me when I first met him 😅
Me and Kusho had a fight before, but now we're both the masterminds of Dusk's pranks :3 (Wait, YOU GUYS WERE THE ONES DOING IT?!?! YOU MOTHERLOVER IM GONNA STRANGLE YOU)
Uhhh, gotta go now sorry for the short introductory baiii!!!!
(too bad I was kidding about the translation :3)