2 years ago

STALKER (Redesign) #Joltober

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"Too Far" 64 (カートリッジにエラーがありました) #Joltober

here we go again...

Too Far (感染源) #joltober

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀

#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

STALKER (マリオミックス), It's just a concept, what do you think?

I can feel your scent close, knuckles (彼らはもう私たちと一緒にいません) #joltober

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

You are welcome to participate in Amanda Funk and Ȟ̴̨͈̳̜̦̠̲̰̦̹͑́̒͝o̸͕̺̯͚̫͋̊̄̾̓̓̂r̴̯̗̹̀̓͋̀́͑̾̑͘r̷̙̘̼̋̌̈́̄̎̍͐̂̕ö̵̵̢̧̢̧̗̭͖̗̺̯̗̭͖̗̺̯́͒̓̃̓̀̒́͒̓̃̓̀̒r̴͎̙̠͓̫̞͖͖̽

Need: •Composers, Artists, Coders, Artists (and Pixel Artists), And finally Animators•