This battle was started by JellyBox Studio on YouTube, calling all fellow artists and fans of cartoons and old animation, to support and use our voices to help the workers in the animation industry to stand up, and for the corporations to hear our and their voices, and bring back the magical and wonderful masterpieces you and I grew up with.
I wanted to promote this team of amazing fighters to Game Jolt.
⚠️There’s a petition that needs to be signed to make this happen. Please check it out and consider signing for fair contracts for animators!⚠️
You can help by using the tag #STANDFORANIMATION in posts, art, or in anything for that matter.
Help us show that animation is worth saving, and to bring our childhoods back!
Let’s show them that the users of Game Jolt is here to help!
Original promotion video down below!
(TAG @gamejolt and use this tag! Game Jolt, they need our help! ❤️❤️)
If there are any creators or bigger users on Game Jolt who see this, please promote this project to your community and help bring justice to animation. Thanks so much. ❤️