Dynocation: The Circus Butcher
[Copyrighted To Dynocation]
You've descended into the world of dynocation, your hands have become pseudopods, and your mind a singularity.
The Colonies Of This Story:
--Circus Colony--
A fun and cute circus set beside the west coast of the American continent.
Leader: Baki
[A ocean/ice dyno with blood red eyes and yellow teeth]
Prince: Jopi
[A ocean/ice dyno with purple eyes and yellow teeth]
Clown: Hexel
[A ocean/ice dyno with green eyes and red teeth]
Clown: Kippy
[A pure ocean dyno with yellow eyes]
Clown: Rivelet
[A ocean/ice dyno with many scars and grey eyes]
Butcher: Zipzin
[A ocean/ice dyno with dark grey eyes with red teeth]
Butcher: Millon
[A ocean/ice dyno with dark violet eyes and white teeth]
Beanie: Simi
[Small dyno with bright blue eyes and jagged 'hair']
Beanie: Jell
[Small dyno with light yellow eyes and long 'hair']
--Heaven Colony--
A mighty and secretive colony high up the Appalachian Mountains.
Leader: Yhwh
[A tall mountain/ocean dyno with yellow eyes and blue teeth]
Prince: Michael
[A mountain/ocean dyno with blue/yellow eyes and red/blue teeth]
Prince: Lucifer
[A ice/mountain dyno with white teeth]
Prince: Gabriel
[A ocean/sulfur dyno with yellow eyes and grey teeth]
Angel: Raphael
[A mountain/ocean dyno with yellow eyes and blue teeth]
Angel: Zachriel
[A mountain/ocean dyno with blue eyes and red teeth]
Beanie: Kikiriel
[Small dyno with bright green eyes and a long tail]
--Chapter One--
Pitter patter! Pitter patter! "Step right up, pal! Spin the wheel!" A staticky voice called out, sounding almost like a recording with how diminished the words were. Tick, tick, tick... Round and round it would go by the hands of the costumer, then brought to a stop the colorful wheel was with two inky black limbs. Giving a big toothy yellowed smile to the 'lucky' boy before the booth. "Winner!" Pop! Confetti fluttered around. The boy clapped his hands, laughing loudly. "I want a prize! I want a big prize! Give me the biggest one!" Jumping up and down as they jostled the wooden counter, pointing excitedly at a giant fluffy 'mascot' hung up high on the beams of the stall.
"Do we always have to let them win, Baki?", a voice whispered from just out of sight below the moved counter, peering up with purple eyes as they pulled at Baki's 'tail', redirecting her piercing gaze from the customer. Holding an everlasting sharp toothed smile, Baki narrowed her eyes in a disturbingly gleeful way. She did not reply at first, looking back over to the 'winner'. "Of course!" She addressed the costumer. "I'll have my "number one" clown pull it down for you!" She winked, suddenly placing her tail beneath the dyno hidden below. "Here he is! The one and only- Jopi!" With those words she lifted Jopi up into view, holding her arms out to make a bit of a frame around the small bepper[A bepper is a teenage dyno]. Jopi shivered, his purple eyes looking to Baki then to the human child. He did not wait to be showcased, scampering away and up the beams to grab a prize. "Hey there, pal. Hold out your hand for me. We give out extra special prizes if you have the winning stamp of the day~", Baki spoke, now with a much more gentle voice, reaching outwards to entice the human child to give it's hand, and give it's hand it did. Every person who entered the circus got a stamp, this was to keep track of who paid for full day entry. Every stamp was different. Rabbit, dogs, tigers...
A feint green image of a snake laid upon the child's skin.
Baki's pupils shrunk in size and her smile widened to reveal scary sharp curved teeth. "Looks like your family just won free mirror maze tickets!" Her voice descending into a staticky hiss. Quickly pulled his hand back, the boy grabbed his accompanying mother's dress. "Hey, we'll take those. Free, right?", the boy's father asked, the word 'free' had gotten his interest.
"Free." Baki repeated. A big plush stuff animal landing beside her with a 'thump'. "Got it!" Jopi called down, giving a goofy smirk. Baki waved a hand over the plush. "All yours." The human boy neared nervously to the counter again, quickly grabbing the large plushie and gleefully presenting it to their father. "Look what I got!" "That's nice. Ehem." The father tapped the counter. "The mirror maze tickets." Baki's smile faltered, searching with her pupils the surroundings, before she regained her grin. She showed her 'hands', empty. Closing them and reopening them, she had revealed tickets like magic. "Cute trick", the father sarcastically replied, yanking the tickets from Baki's grasp. Baki nodded again, backing away from the counter. Red eyes glowing in the shade of the game booth, speaking once more Baki gave them farewell. "Enjoy the mirror maze."