Kingdom of Raywin

4 years ago

Started from scratch, and keeping organised!

I have started development from scratch (with all the things I learned from doing it badly the first time) and now you can follow my progress on Trello!

You can watch me develop the game live at

You can also help my survive by chipping in on Patreon

or Ko-Fi

I have, so far, managed to fix all the issues that plagued my previous attemot at KoR by this stage. It's early days yet but at least this time the code base is solid. Everything works as expected!

I should have the earliest playable build out sooner than expected.

The earliest build will not be very in-depth, but it will serve as a starting point. You will be able to log in and create you character from on-board the ship. The ship will not dock until the game is ready to be played. By logging in before the ship has docked at Raywin, you will recieve an exclusive reward that will act as a badge of honor.




Next up

How to make progress!

Not a great gif. Exciting stuff though!

The story of 'Going Down' is falling into place nicely. The visuals are looking lovely. The atmosphere is spooky with more than a touch of mystery.

I am very happy with progress!

Taking its time, but not forgotten...

Raywin running on Mac...

Does the pale man ever blink??

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Further to my last article- the mail system is indeed broken.

Just fixed a major memory leak issue and added a forest to the office building. This game will be... abstract.

"Despite everything. It's still you..." -A different game

Oh it's happening now!