FinaL GatewaY: GenesiS ScrolL
5 years ago

State of FinaL GatewaY (Article Below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #important #update #devlog #flgy #gncr #x

So, now that I have a window of time, I think it's appropriate to tell you all what's been going on. Why there haven't been many more screenshots or devlogs, and why there's no sign of VoL. 2 being almost done.

Put simply: it's on an indefinite hiatus. More details, well, let's get to that.

As those who've played VoL. 1 know, there is quite a bit of voice acting throughout the game. Not 100% throughout, but it's there. Due to no longer having certain technical limitations, VoL. 2 will most likely have double the amount, meaning that the cast will also have a lot to work with. Therein lies a problem.

A lot of the voice actors in FLGY have their own lives, occupations, and issues to deal with that haven't let them get much work done. Considering I can't pay any of them yet, I don't want the cast putting all of their focus on something that won't support their livelihood, or will get in the way of their education.

While this isn't at the core of the project from a technical standpoint, it is one of the appeals, and I don't want to half do this just to meet a deadline, even if I could still make progress on the game in the meantime (which I have tried).

This leads to another thing. As some of you know, GorgoN ChambeR X's development is in full swing. This is set to be the definitive starting point for this entire series, using everything I've learned from making both volumes of FLGY, and the MRID Demo. However, because of what's planned for this (especially gameplay-wise), it requires a majority of my attention and focus to get it done right.

So, the short of it: Voice actors are busy with their own lives, and a new project has taken up most of my time and effort.

Where does this leave FinaL GatewaY? Is it just not important anymore? No, of course not. This is what it's all been leading to, I'm not going to drop the project after all the conflict we've been through to finish VoL. 1 alone. But, I also don't want to force people to drop their lives or push through illnesses just for my sake. That's stupid, selfish, and frankly, unrealistic.

That said, once GNCR X is done, and I mean DONE, I will be able to dedicate all of my time back to FinaL GatewaY, and dedicate only spare time back on MRID.

As always, sorry about the wall of text, but you guys deserve to know what's been going on. I do want your thoughts on it, though. Followers, fans, anyone in the crew, let me know what you think. I have considered releasing the game without voice-acting, then patching it in when everyone has the time to finish their parts, but I want to make sure everyone's actually okay with that, and I'm not stepping on any toes here.

At least then, I'd be able to work more on FLGY, and GNCR X to some degree with a clear conscience.

But again, I really, really want everyone's input here, it would mean the world to me.

Thanks again for putting up with my rambling and lousy foresight, and hope you all understand. Take care, and I hope to see you guys soon with better news.


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Next up

Devlog 07a

Here we have a preview of the new ExplorE segments! Coming in a few, some new/updated sprites!

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

Spent the last few days storyboarding the next set of BaF BaF's. Can't show the entirety obviously, but here are some previews of what's to come.

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #announcement #update #flgy

Okay, update, paneling is just about done for Grim Genesis Episode 1 (give or take a few adjustments).

Now all that's left is to letter it, and the webtoon should finally be up in no time!


Today, GorgoN ChambeR X has officially finished development!

We are currently preparing for launch, stay tuned for further updates.


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #gncr #X

Finished up a new key visual for VoL. 2, hope you all enjoy!


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #devlog #flgy

Synchronize your watches, everyone!

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis Episode 1 is going live on January 29th, at 1:00pm PST!

The repercussions from eons back are about to become manifest.


We've decided to switch to a podcast format. 6 of the hosts in GNCR X have already been cast, but we're still missing 4 parts. More info on the link below:ā€¦

#lzrain #voiceacting #audiodrama #auditions #furry #nsfw

Development on Episode 2 is going smoothly! Thankfully VixerStuffles is coming in to help with line art again, which is HEAVILY appreciated this time around.


Devlog 04

Small talk about how I start writing, plus more screenshots!

(More details in the article below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

So, been awhile. Just hasn't felt right updating here anymore given I haven't been making games, but for anyone who's been meaning to follow the novel, made a site specifically for it now (mainly cuz the other two chased it out):