There is one guy who just beat all nights but he heard for his friend that there is a code that unlocks a "special" night.
When the guy unlocks it, it throws a night that is called: Trojan, And it's super duper spooky.
The office was deepfried the cameras are all deepfried but the Toons are different
When the guy hits 6am it glitches and throws the guy to the original desktop
But the notepad app open and then it says: THINK INSIDE THE BOX
When the guy check on the FNATI He Download it changes the icons to the mickey for the Trojan night and then the exe file's name was "TROJAN"
The menu look different
And the when Photo Negative Mickey says: Wanna see my head come off
It's instead: Trojan Lies between Computers, Think Yourself.
but after the Photo Negative Mickey jumpscare it switches to a image of some weird looking PMM on a black room with a muffled 1960s music playing
And that's the creepypasta concept
(This project is gifted to @Elchmann to draw Trojan Mickey)