The current version of the Game Jolt Launcher is built upon .Net 4.5, while this is supported on Vista, 7 and 8. It is notably lacking support for XP. More importantly, Windows 8 is the only operating system to have .NET 4.5 installed on it instead of the more common 4.0. For that reason I am working on moving the launcher to a .NET 4.0 base.
This should resolve the issue where the launcher would crash on launch on computers without .NET 4.5.
In other news, the Game Browser addition, is seeing some progress, but I’d like to get the launcher itself working fully before adding additional features.
I plan to add support for MSI’s in the future allowing games with installers to be run, I also plan on creating a web player that will allow you to play Flash, Unity and Java Applet’s. Additionally supporting additional compressed files other than zips is on the todo list. This includes tar’s and 7zip formats.
Have a feature or game that you want to know works with JoL then drop a comment.