Star Story
8 years ago

Support me for 1 buck or more and get (nearly) all maps in PNG or JPG

Well it’s basically simple.
You can now support me for $1 or more and you can get (nearly) all maps in PNG or JPG files, and they will then look like this


These are the “pure” dumps from my map editor directly converted into PNG and JPG files. Of course the PNG files should offer better quality but are bigger in size, since they are lossless. JPEG as a “lossy” format offer lower quality, but a significantly smaller download. Or you can download them both.

A few notes about these map (as noted with a readme.txt file coming along in the download files too)

  • These pictures show the maps exactly as they look like when you call the map data files in the Kthura Map Editor. No adaptions have been done to them for this map pack.

  • Maps showing crucial spoilers have been removed from this collection prior to packing. Sorry.

  • These pictures can help you in order not to get lost. None of them will show you how to solve a puzzle. You can ask me though. ;)

  • I don’t mind you printing these maps as long as you keep those prints to yourself. I hope you realise your printer may mind though :-P

  • These picture do not show any spawning points for enemies or treasures.

  • Crystal’s ARMS chests do all show, it is only not shown WHICH chest contains which ARM. Please note, Crystal’s final ARM is not in a chest, but given by an NPC when you’ve collected all her other ARMS and completed the sidequest the NPC sets out for you. So if you don’t get the Wild Arms achievement after opening all chests depicted here, you now know you have not fallen victim of a bug. :-P

Oh yeah, in case you wondered, about Crystal’s ARMS chest. Only if you have passed through the doors of floor #020 in the final dungeon, you cannot return any more (no savespots past that point either, btw). Up until that point you can still claim ANY ARM of Crystal you’ve missed and also do any missed side-quests.



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