"Together Again: Haunted Haiden" follows the story of a girl named Polaris who is reincarnated as a boy named Lucas in the world of Together Again as well as being sent back in time and possessing Haiden Bonanza from the very beginning (1964). Knowing most of the story and having been reincarnated before "The Magic Hour" came out, Lucas is aware that he does not know much but what he does know will be put to good use in the future.
Unwilling to reveal himself as "alive", Lucas, now calling himself Haiden, must avoid the Funland's nosy staff as well as the hostile animatronics under the control of the demon that started all of this.
Unfortunately for him, his actions, while small, do have far reaching consequences...
Not to mention there are some things about Haiden/Lucas that make him... unique... compared to the other haunted animatronics of Lake's Funland.
Got bored one day, decide to turn my focus to one of my favourite animatronics of TAALFS and have him be haunted in this Au I eventually came up with. But by an OC who is from "our world" aka, someone who had played TAALFS but didn't see the latest game "The Magic Hour". I did so much research into the lore of the games but I might occasionally miss things...
"Together Again: A Lake's Funland Story" by @SirMemphisto
Haiden Bonanza by Billy Walker
Lucas (OC) by Me
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