3 days ago

Taking part in Art Fight?
Got some attacks or characters to share?

Well, we've got the channel for you! Post your Art-Fight related content, here! ^.^ https://gamejolt.com/c/PS-nag4j6/art_fight_attacks

(banner art by yours truly)



Next up

Made a thing.

Be sure to put on headphones, and get ready for things to get loud. 🎧


‘Say hello, Moore’

“Hello Moore”

-my headcannon and you can’t change it, this guy is precious


No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

Little alien I saw in a dream.

Btw does anyone have any good art exercises I could do to practice human anatomy and stuff? I'm trying to improve my fundamentals and I think something like that could really help ^.^

Also, lil teaser

Greetings Gamejolt!

Apologies for being offline; I've actually been busy working on a short adventure story! Here's an adorable character concept a dear friend of mine created!

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

Guys, I think they want me to complete 10 daily quests!

this is the entrance to the abbey, a huge building where in some parts, to go up, you'll have to go out to the balcony and climb on the outside. kinda like the tower in Terranigma #pixelart #rpgmaker

Took me maybe 4-5 hours, but took me 3 days. :)
