This also the design Von Kaiser will have in the Punch-Out fangame, since in Wii td Von Kaiser is sort of reclaiming his past skill I thought that since this is a prequel we get to see his complete potential (though even then he’s only in the major circuit)

6 months ago
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Timothy Marsh
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
First drawing on the new iPad yipeeeeee
Monofied Sunflower & Peashooter Remake
Been long since I posted (4 days bro it’s not that deep Tabii) because I’ve barely had motivation to draw. @BOXZEE ’s beautiful characters, Keith and Ethan
Captain America review video is cancelled, I never got an opportunity to record and by the time I would’ve, the talk surrounding the movie would’ve been dead. Which sucks because I had a full script and I remade all the pngs of mono, and the background.