Star Story
4 years ago

Technical support notes

Due to some things happening some changes in technical support:

Mac support can no longer be given:

  • You'll have to see for yourself if the Mac version still works. I don't have a Mac anymore, and the compiler in which the engine is written works for neither mac nor windows anymore.

  • Also Apple deprecated (if not removed entirely by now) OpenGL and the game needs that.

  • Since I no longer have a mac I cannot compile the new engine for Mac. If people are willing to port the engine to Mac by the time the new version is about to be released they are quite welcome to do so, I'll make sure my repositories are up-to-date.

  • When the new version for Windows is ready, the Mac version will be officially discontinued, and may even be removed over time. Sorry!

Windows support:

  • When it comes to Windows, technical support is limited until the new version is ready. I don't have a working compiler anymore so bugfixing the old version is no longer possible (and would given the fact a new version is being made from scratch not even be efficient). You can still report bugs in the old version so I can at least make sure the remake won't suffer from them.

  • Please note, the new version will replace the old downloads. I am planning to make a savegame transfer program, but that program can only do a few limited things. Due to the big changes between the old and new version I will announce the upload of the new version some time before (I believe I can auto-schedule these in GJ, but I gotta look this up) it will actually be there. It will take at least a year to the new version to arrive (if not longer), but I think you should know.


  • The old version was never built for Linux, and if there are any ports around I don't know if I never gave technical support here anyway.

  • I did ask a friend of mine if he wants to help me to port the game to Linux once the Windows version is about to be released. I cannot promise anything here, as I am reliant on others on this department.

  • I can at least say that the next dependencies will be required for the Linux version (if it comes to be): SDL2, SDL2_Image, SDL2_Mixer, Lua, and very likely also lzma. Now it is possible more dependencies may be added, but (except for lzma) the others are ones I am definitely sure of they will be required if a Linux port comes to be. Since loads of game use these, I don't deem it likely they will cause you trouble.

  • Official technical support for Linux will be limited as Linux and I were always sworn enemies, and when you are reliant on others it's hard to give good support. Of course, when it comes to bugs in the script, in this version I can fix things all the same. :)



Next up

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