21 days ago




Next up

kidnap children and eat them (for legal reasons this is a reference please dont hurt me :so,b:



yes i know its garbage but ive been rlly sick and this was the best i could do :(

Be Yourself and Have Fun <3 Im late with the pride artwork bc i found a new job, im sowwy :<

doodlessss (i died lol!!)

Week 3 but my pixel style

wip (yes i have like five wips rn i cant settle on a project to save my life)

dunno if i ever posted this buut heres an unfinished doodle im probably never gonna finish lol

the lines look super jank cause i drew this at like 2 am </3

Happy pride month to everyone!

Remember to be proud of who u r, no matter if u gay, lesbian, bi, trans, ace etc

And remember to show ur love to people that u love

I rlly hope this month will be amazing to everyone of u

Art by @TV_GIRL_FAN <3

repost!! cause why not lol

looking back at this it definitely coulda been better but i still think its decent