15 days ago

The Antonymph of the internet!

(Sorta personal rambling in the article if you're interested)

I'm not really sure where to begin with this.

But this song means a LOT to me, it's made me rethink my entire life, which was something I didn't really think was worth living in the first place. I don't think it's a secret I'm a bit fucked up mentally.

My Little Pony as a whole has been such a positive impact on my life, as ridiculous as it sounds. I owe @Junipurrrr (Love you <3) a TON for getting me into it, I don't really know what I'd be doing without it, or her.

And that's gonna sound stupid to lots of people, since I know a lot of friends that absolutely dislike MLP, but it's whatever, like Antonymph says

"Don't care you think it's cringe, because it's not your life"

I sort of like my life, it's worth living, and I know soon enough I'll be dragged back into a depression, but I'll deal with it, I always do.

Thanks for reading my rambling (if you did :3)



Next up

Monstro's (and gish)

Afraid to go far

Nothing of importance to see here

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?


He's here to tell you about lifestyles of the sick and twisted

Say what?

Tanya doodle

There is a reason I rarely accept friend requests