Star Story
8 years ago

The Beta is now Open

Yeah… here it is, the OPEN beta.
The moment we were ALL waiting for…


Before you download a few notes.

  • Although you can download the game through the Game Jolt website just fine, I do recommend to use the client. Why, you wonder… Easy… the game is not yet fully stable, bugfixes and enhancements can be implemented every day and when you use the client you can at least be sure you always have the latest release since the client auto-updates the game whenever I fixed a bug or implemented an enhancement.

  • My testers already complained that the “easy mode” was “too easy”, well lemme tell you, the easy mode was MEANT to be too easy, so I guess I did a pretty good job there. The hard mode was MEANT to be too hard. If you want to play the game at the intended difficulty please seek the medium mode called “Casual Gamer”, which is the default setting. :)

  • If you find a bug or any other major issue, please don’t use the game’s comment section to report it, but write me a ticket on my issue tracker on GitHub. If you don’t want to create a GitHub account, please put a remark on this very devlog entry, and I’ll copy it onto the issue tracker myself. I just want to use the normal game comments for general feedback. I hope you understand. ;)

Known issues

These are the issues I know about, and do thus not have to be reported.

  • You can start up a New Game+ and the game starts a new cycle. Up until cycle #3 the game works now. Cycle #4 is only half done, in the upcoming updates this will be taken care off. I don’t expect you to get far enough to “suffer” from this before the next update anyway. :-P

  • When you are in Cycle #5 or higher the merchant Banika’s merchandise list for healing items will be empty. This will be taken care of later.

  • Each character has his or her own “automove” which executes automatically when needed. They can even be executed when the character is incapacitated. I am working on that one. The chance you’ll see the effect of this bug is not that great.

  • Xenobi’s “Breeze” and “Hurricane” are not yet animated.

  • ExHuRU’s “BlitzKrieg” is not yet animated.

  • The version without music has 0,1% chance to crash upon startup. If that happens, just run the game again, and it should run. This is not harmful.

To music or not to music, that’s the question.

There are too versions of the game. With and without music. If broadband and harddiskspace are no problem for you, just install the version with music. If they are a problem for you, the version without music just allows you to play the game, but you won’t have background music, that’s all.


The version numbering system used is the Ubuntu style. YY.MM.DD
This makes it easy to see which version number we are now on.



Next up

Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

BallPlay future

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

Technobabble and a screenshot for #screenshotsaturday

Meet Berindo Yorno

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Alpha status

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Open alpha available on