✧ Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness ✧

2 years ago

The Cyan (Patience) and Orange (Bravery) Soul Mode will function like this:

Cyan: You have a Bar that slowly refills itself, once it's out you're stuck to stand still for a few Seconds.

Orange: Constant Moving, no stopping, dont let it hit the Walls.



Next up

* The Void

* A Place underneath Darkness

* A Place without Light

* A Place where Lost Souls go to

* A Place soon to open to the rest of the World

* It whispers your Name...

Alright probably the Last Post I make for this guy for a bit, but at least a Concept to what his Character Description would be.

Its all a Concept for a Fan-Character, Its NOT Official.

My Crude Concept Art on a Original Character, felt like making one cus why not?

Meet Cooper S. Cipher, the Self Proclaimed Conspiracy Scientist Spider, An Outcast of the Crew out of.. obvious Reasons.

Queenie Selfie

Just a few more Funny Doodles I made about Cooper, felt like sharing cus Funny.


source: @ImagesDeltarune

#memes #deltarune #lancer #irl

Cant have a Little King's Story FanProject without a TV Dinnah, this is what I have currently for him.

The other Kings dont really Play a Role in this Jumbo themed Project, but TV Dinnah may appear shortly, who knows..

Deltarune: Beyond the Darkness

Progress Report #1.5

Newsletter 2024 - ¡coming soon!

Out of Fun i decided to take one of these Medals from the S3Air VISIONS & DREAMS Mod, and made a few with Characters i made.

Can you recognize them? (Except first 2, they arent mine)

Hope you like them!