the development is going good so far, we're still hiring more people (since it's only has one submission so far), specially composers too
Next up
-200 Profile Followers and Main Menu Reveal!-
Thanks for 200 profiles followers and your support, there's a new auditions page upcoming real soon after the reveal, yet I was too much busy a lot but I will keep you all updated, here's the menu reveal!
-Kwysocki243's Server Document Big UPDATE!-
"Where's the victims now?" selection and other information has been added into the document as well.
Thanks for @CoralinyTines , @Vinniejolt
and the others sharing some information.
when it hits 5 or more submissions again like the last time, i will start hiring and checking them out (we're still looking for more, specially composers too)
My Birthday + Final Release
-Welcome Page + OCs References-
Welcome to Gorestriker Studios, this is where I started working on a big FNaF project such as Somniphobia, feel free to look around!
SOMNIPHOBIA Info: https://gamejolt.com/p/code-plandy-rebrande-y5jqsaet
SOMNIPHOBIA Auditions: Soon
Matthew's devlog v3
-The GRAND Redesign-
Short update, some of the characters in the gameplay builds will get a redesign but it might a challenging, that's all you need to know.
good news of the development team, @the_th_guy is finally back with the milk guys yay!1!111!111
-one of the kwysocki's server videos found media (basically one video / short one)-
one of the videos of zach / dat's (real)