Lina's AppleTree Babies

8 days ago

The Family with all baby trees so far

kinda funny how the 4 judges share 1 pot lul

two seeds of this family are still in the fridge btw, or at least I think it two, might be more tho lul.

Don't forget I still need names for them all (other then 1,2&4)



Next up

After the Rain

Note to self: don't even try to make pictures with zoom on they don't get saved correctly and look like crap

also Clear aka Tree4 lost her seed too and I also keep hers

Uh I don't really know which of those are from yesterday to be honest and I can't post the ones from today because I made them from my sister's phone and forgot to download and put it to a post.....

writing this post a second time T^T

I'm so so so Sorry!!! Those are Yesterdays (24.06.2024) Pictures and I DIDN'T MAKE ANY FOR TODAY!!! T^T oh and pictures made with my sisters phone

24.06.2024 25.06.2024

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

I went out and made some photos for y'all


As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

Today's update on my trees

There is a ants path right in front of my trees...

And there will be an extra post about Tree6...

Monika #PrideJolt

shes Pansexual and it is every fitting to her

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

So @sammyblack drew a #Fusion of me and her as a surprise for me and I had the idea to do the same after seeing hers + I needed something easy, silly, simple, fun to get me into the mood to draw ^^

Note this was right after I was Hack on Discord,