The Fazbear Facility
6 months ago

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue - The Final Devlog

Hey everybody, here is your last update for Prologue before it releases on October 19th

Beta Testing Starts Now:

Yes, you heard that right, beta testing has now begun for the team, we'll be making sure that there aren't any major errors or bugs on launch. So far, we have encountered lots (like how any other testing goes.)

Update on Subtitles:

A lot of people might be bummed out about this news, but we've decided to scrap the subtitles for Prologue and only for Prologue. We realized it was kind of useless adding subtitles to a demo/teaser game. More than that, we didn't have enough time or people to translate every line, in every language. Don't worry, we still intend to keep the subtitles planned for main game.


On the good news, in compensation of us having to scrap the subtitles, I thought I would reveal that you'll be able to unlock achievements! Even better, they way you log into Prologue is defiantly a favorite that we've done for the game, we think you'll enjoy that too. Aside from that, everything is still on track and we are now on the final phase before release.

People With Low End Computers:

We want to clarify that Prologue contains two big cutscenes that can effect performance on lower end computers, mainly people with 4-8GB of ram. Make sure you have at least a good end computer before trying to run Prologue.


Once prologue goes live, we'll be releasing the original soundtrack on YouTube as well as be releasing it on Spotify soon after. The soundtrack contains about six songs that everybody can listen to and enjoy.


I ask again to please keep your expectations low, this is a teaser game after all. We wanted feedback on gameplay more than anything. So before you get disappointed that the game didn't last longer, it's because it was never intended that way, this is a teaser game. We can guarantee you this won't be the best thing ever, this won't be the most eventful thing ever, this is meant to be something we release to hold people off while we work on the main course as well as getting the most feedback possible on what's needed and should be changed for the final product.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that we'll be looking at feedback people give us, the good, and the bad, we want this game to be good, and we will fix things in the main game. So if you hate something about the game, just know we hear you, and we intend on making sure that won't be the case next time.

Thanks for the hype and support, see you all soon :)



Next up

@Otis_Le_PoOtis , @Fredinator , @Jacorn , get your birthday wishes ready... I'm on my way.

They've found new ways to get in...

Teaser + Prologue Behind the Scenes



You are NOT living to see tomorrow, buddy.


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The Fazbear Facility: Prologue is now available to play!

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Hey everyone, we just wanted to come out here real quick and give the time to appreciate the fact that we're top three most anticipated fangames of 2025, that's crazy! Thank you all so much, can't wait for all the big things happening this year!