Cube Guy

11 months ago

The fifth one

Uhhhhhh download my game hereee which also happens to feature cube-like characterss!!!! :))



Next up

Go search up "Cube Guy" on Steam, and then wishlist it, would be kind of awesome ngl

I have this pretty weird issue where when trying to upload a game build, the percentage will get stuck at a random number, so I have to refresh the page and hope it randomly goes to 100 percent. (Waiting doesn't make it un-stuck btw)

Out and about in the cold!⛰️ Download demo and Wishlist here!🧊❄️

Redraw 2021-2024

I tried to stay as close to the original as possible, tho I did change a few things

The background in the old version is a crime, I should've been executed.

Working on the full version of my game Cube Guy! So awesome, so cool You can download the public demo on the game page 😉

Skyward Sword possibly had my most favorite story, and the most expressive Link has ever been!

Everyday I wish we can get this link back and this type of stories in the LoZ series (ngl I also enjoyed the gameplay)

Yesterday I put my game "Cube Guy" on Steam! Steam page:

I cross-stitch birds, too : )!

Released an update to the game I'm making 4 days ago! The update added 1 new world, and a lot of quality improvements! The game takes around an hour to beat right now, and is completely free!! Download: