Chaos Shooter
3 years ago

The first 3 people can get the full version of the game for free (every already used)

Just click on the link to claim the key (and have fun)!



Next up

Hey, here is a small clip which shows the random dungeon generation and the (finally) finished Kill-All-Enemies-To-Proceed-System. I will of course improve it by adding new enemies and I also want to increase the size of the rooms.

Hey guys, it has been a long time!

I've been working on a new 2D mobile endless runner game, Robo Run, a bit now. Here's a small preview of the current prototype, hope you like it!

Also, sorry for the lagging, somehow my recording program stutters.

Hey, sorry for not being online for long, I had stress with school. Here's what me and my friend achieved in the meantime:

- simple dialogue system

- tilemap and very simple world generation (unlisted)

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Hi, here some new stuff:

- sound when red enemy shoots - sound when orange Enemy spawns particles

- Game Over Screen with the waves survived and ability to retry or return to the Menu

I've also added an real-time online leaderboard (no Game Jolt needed)!

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Hey, remember when I said that I'm starting to work on an rpg-game? Now my friend joined me to help with some sprites and this is how it currently looks (still need to add animation to knight):


Hi, here is a new teaser of Chaos Shooter, now with a minimap and an system for unlocking the doors when killing all enemies in a room. I'm really happy how it turned out!

Hi, I just improved the Main Menu and... yeah.