Academy Z: Beginning of the catastrophe

5 years ago

The free mode has been implemented, you can explore the island (even incomplete) with this some vehicles can be driven, starting with this, later the story mode will be implemented, the vehicles can be driven only in the free mode.



Next up


NEW VERSION -Sdded story mode cinematic

-Added night mode

-Lantern implementation

-Selection menu redesign

-New scenario "airport"

-Environment objects added

-Change of lighting

- Minor bugs resolved

New combat system, i will updated soon, follow me in twitter for more!

working on some stuff

Molotov cocktails have been added, an easy way to annihilate the hordes, these can be bought in the store.

free mode (Alpha)

vehicle driving (free mode)

2 vehicles capable of being driven

Changing costumes

Visual effects added

Particle effects

Molotov cocktail added

Sound effects added

Multi language support

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

Enemies can also suddenly spawn through Realm Rifts. These Rift Spawns are going to be stronger than the ones wandering around. TBD on the enemies... #screenshotsaturday #godstear #madewithunity