These Dark Hours In A Place (Five Nights at Andersons Remake)

3 months ago

THE FULL GAME IS OUT NOW! (Browser build due to its 414 size.)

Play now on GAMEJOLT!



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(Last teaser)

Sorry that this games been dead for the time being, somethings not finished yet rn.

But have a meme

Take our hand.

Don't forget to stop at the nearest gas station! it's a long drive to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza...

-Alexander (Phone Guy)

Knock knock…

grrrhhh stop moving,.,.,, STOP MOVING!! !!!! !

That thing, Starshine…she only craves for revenge, and this is what she does to intruders…

Lil test made on a website to view 360 renders, the real one will be with a phone call and that stuff

Also yeah!!! This is the new office, it's based on the CeC console and some kid's playgrounds

You dare to come back here, after what you've done to us...

Big mistake.