6 years ago

The location is expanding

It’s your humble developer of Apparition here. I’ve been adding a lot of things to the game recently that I would like to share with you guys. The location is expanding, I’ve added a new road, a new building and a few other little things.

A peak at the new road:


A new cabin further into the woods:


These are only two of the new things that have been implemented in the past few weeks. I also decided to add some new craftable items, such as a statue which allows you to summon demons faster – therefore making it easier for you to gather more evidence points.

A new craftable item:


There are still more things to come and I’ll be sharing them with you in the near future :)

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Next up

We've come a long way from starting out in a Haunted Mansion...

Happy Halloween! Apparition releases to Steam Early Access!

A quick summary of game mechanics for Apparition, this is the first of more to come.

Successful landing


Have a good Boi

"Our work is never over" they said.

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!


Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project