When we say everything is customisable, we literally do mean, EVERY-THING! Not only can you play this title as it is, but you can remake, remaster, and even reshape the whole engine, entirely in PowerPoint Show-Mode!
Here's Round 1-1 with JadeJohnson, being the default character, due to copyrights, of course:

however, there's nothing stopping you from creating an AI-generated Michael Jackson sprite to make the game feel like THAT-much-more-authentic of a port, like we've exemplified for you here!

As you navigate each level,

the environments'll reverse, like in that Nintendo® DSi™-game, "Photo Dojo™".

Furthermore, there shall be rooms into which you can traverse. Some will be empty, whereas others, though not yet programmed with thus, will feature enemies who will try to end your playable character's life prematurely.

Finally, here are the staircases, doors, and combinations thereof; that you will be able to utilise to navigate between floors, halls, and sometimes even completely-new segments of each of the game's levels!

But of course, as you should already have been able to tell via literally ALL these screenshots,

that's right: this will be the first ever, PowerPoint, "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker"-port, which, FINALLY, after all these years, since our original 2009 four-is-to-three aspect-ratio debut, NATIVELY runs, in sixteen-is-to-nine, wide-screen, by DEFAULT!
Please let us know in the comments what you're most excited to experience when this game launches, later in 2025, and until we have more news on "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - PowerPoint Edition", "Happy Jading!™"