Games in PowerPoint Developer Community

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ClickTheButton is finally out


now people can make fun of how cringe and nerdy a PowerPoint game is :)

#PowerPoint #ClickTheButton



Wow, did I get my rump handed to me on a silver platter last night whilst playing my in-development Ghostbusters-game last night or what?!

  0 votes 13 days left

Exciting news

I have just finished the last level of ClickTheButton, the first full video game made in MOS PowerPoint!

Expect me to place the final build in the coming days


#ClickTheButton #PowerPoint

  4 votes 11 days left

I might have been neglecting development of the game; I've spent the holidays gaming instead of developing.

I'll be continuing finishing the game now

Also a little tidbit of game

We just realised that coding "Wrestle Camp 3" is going to be brutal! But if we can maintain enough patience to pull it off, it just might have enough potential to rival at least WWE All-Stars!

  0 votes Voting finished