Willy's Horrorland

2 years ago

The official Swashbucklers Games server is open on discord!

Join to interact with the team and all fans of our games, creating your theories or discussing interesting facts, enjoy the server!




Next up

Here is an improvement of the updated models.

We are already aware of the criticism that many of you gave in Willy's last devlog and we thank you for it. We will be using your criticism to rework the current models.

progress is being made!

Hello again everyone,

We'll be bringing you news about Willy's soon. Now, since the game has gone through many changes, we'd like to show you a bit of how the game is going at the moment.

Say "Hi" to Funtime Foxy!!!

1,000 Followers in less than 1 month! Thank you all for your support!

Hello again.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog