This game was first called "Night Shifts at Gelatin's" until i renamed it to "Goikian Obscurity". This build isn't entirely finished and it's old. The Animatronics aren't active and you can't switch cameras in this build. Don't click on the New Game, because it won't send you to the office. Click on The Continue Button instead. I have also added the .sb3 file of this build in the zip file, so you can load it onto Turbowarp or Scratch. I recommend that you load the .sb3 file onto Turbowarp or Scratch, because you will be able to see more stuff like Character Designs. If you want to, you guys can finish the unfinished build. I am not kidding, i really am giving you permission to finish the old and unfinished build of this game on Turbowarp or Scratch, i don't mind. Just remember to credit me for the game if you ever finish it and upload it to this website or Scratch. Speaking of Scratch, i am also giving you permission to upload the unfinished build to Scratch. Just please credit me for the game, my current Scratch account is TheSrbBee. The current build will be better than this one. This is all i can think of to say.
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