3 Nights with the Sketched Ones (a.k.a. no ******* way, koob is making a fnaf fangame that isn't top down. holy **** that's (not) impressive)

1 year ago

the read



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Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simuator no. 5, pt. 4 - things going smooth as usual

Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simuator no. 5, pt. 2 - days passin' by as usual (also hurrah for actually readable screenshots)

I have a very silly idea that I may just realize if I'll care enough and/or won't prematurely cancel it like an idiot.

the big boi

Oops, I accidentally unpinned my pinned post... Oh well, them's the breaks, didn't find it neccesary to exist any longer than it should anyway. As I've once said: Viralsach isn't really that huge anymore when compared to last year.

Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simuator no. 5, pt. 5 - something just happened. I can feel it.

Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simuator no. 5, pt. 6 - The Feast

Poster update: g

Goodness gracious, look at the time!

(AM-shower reveal moment)

Devvy Update: Poster mostly coded. Obviously, honk stuff is to be added. That's a FNaF fangame norm: If you can't honk the poster & make a funny sound, it's immediately D-tier (/j)