The Search for a Colour Palette

3 years ago

The Search for a Colour Palette Devlog [15.07.2021]

So here it is, the first devlog of this game in ages. As some of you know I took a very big break from game developing for about half a year but now I have returned and I have started working properly on this game once again.

One of the first things I had to do in order to resume the developing of this game was play through the entire game as I left it. In doing so, I found many quirks and bugs that had to be fixed and so I did that. For some reason there were a lot of instances of a player going off the screen to progress to the next screen but instead being sent to the game over screen. All of these instances have been fixed.

Stage IV

So stage 4 is the stage that I am currently making. In my previous post I showed The Piston, a mechanism that will forcefully push the player into an undesired direction, preferably into lava. This new obstacle is introduced with a new enemy: the skeleton.


The skeleton is actually simple in its mechanics but advanced in its execution. It's one of the few enemies in the game that will actually just mind its own business and walk around and such when the player isn't in the nearby fascinity. When the player is nearby however it will begin throwing bones at the player every once in a while. It will purposefully jump when you are about to swing your boomerang or knife at it to dodge it, so you have to plan out your attacks a little more. It will walk around randomly even in attack-mode and it won't actually seek out the player like most enemies do, it will rather just go around throwing bones at you while doing its own thing.

I have also added lava into the game, to make the piston a little more...well, dangerous I guess? Right as it is now the piston just pushes the player, it doesn't hurt the player. So having a lava pit at the end of a platform would really make people conscious of their sorroundings.

And with all that said and done, I am gonna resume my game developing. I'll try to post devlogs more consistently but I can't promise anything, I'll just post whenever I feel like it's worth posting! :)

-SeventyFour Productions (Developer)



Next up

TSFACP devlog [10.08.22]

Yep, love this...

I'm now working on a new game: a successor to Cold Massacre!

TSFACP Devlog (nearing the end!) [24.02.2023]

Finally revamped the atrocious options menu that TSFACP had. Before the keybinds were locked away in another screen and you had to click the "in-game controls" text to access it, now everything is on the same screen and it's just generally way smoother!

New Devlog! [05.01.2023]

TSFACP devlog [28.10.2022]

The official cover art of the game is now finished! I hope you all liked it, it actually took a bit of time to make believe it or not. I still like how it turned out. :)

Where is TSFACP at the moment? [04.08.2023]

Just got finished with the miniboss for stage 6! Not gonna reveal what this miniboss is though, you gotta see for yourself... ;)

Still working hard on the game, despite university! :)