20 days ago

The sexual orientation of a few of my characters

(this is a request for an irl friend)



Next up

I'm going to fuse pokemons and draw them

So tell me your suggestions in the comments!

Yeah, I want to make a keychain of this

Damn, forgor communities

OKAY, that's enough

@Victoree Here ya go!! :Dc sry if i screwed anything up and i tried going off others fanart for you since i couldn't find your fursona

another ship doodle :3 reminder - Nartonne's the same guy from the post linked in the article :3333 #PerfectCrootox

Father Pussy

Or I don't know, I never knew how to spell it

Lesbian Love

Happy Lesbian Visibility Week!

@LoxerVosky , If @GoneMissing doesn't do it, I will do it