A Golden Past - Chapter 2

2 years ago

The update should be coming out tomorrow, unsure what time. But if not tomorrow, then sometime this week. New stuff is added and changes, even a new cutscene after night 5... Hope you all will like this update leading up to chapter 3! :)



Next up


"Dear god..."

Boredly making an easy demon, it's nothing special right now as I'm practicing stuff currently. BUT, so far it's getting the concept through of what I want it to be absolutely.

Not FNAF news, cuz laid back on that for now. But wanted to show this lol

All jumpscare animations are done bois


Me and my family went to a 'midget wrestling' event and it was awesome/funny to see. We got a chance to take a photo with the wrestlers (not all, some were somewhere else) I'm to the right (long hair lol)

But ay, it was fun regardless and cool to see

The Android port will be soon! :)

Wanted to post this from Ramiz and Friends, renders I did with the models I made.

Go check the game out, it's fire:

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

I wonder who room this be