Five Nights At Candy's : Locking
21 days ago

There has been a very noticeable imbalance with news and development

Even writing this I can't concentrate properly xd.

As you know, I went to the ER a few weeks ago, I think it was the same day we jointly announced FNaC Locking. It happens that along these weeks the development in the 3d area has been very uneven and disorganized precisely because we are using Blender as rendering engine, but most of the models made by @Aurus2015 and the other members come from Cinema4D, which has caused a lot of models to be ported to Blender and therefore we have not progressed in almost anything in the 3D area.

Why so many models have accumulated? because of the backlog, and the reason for the backlog is because I have gone through many medical examinations, cardiologists, neurologists, nutritionists, etc. All of them came to the conclusion that I am fine at the physical and organic level, but the psychological level is terribly bad, to tell the truth I have presented many physical symptoms due to my mental state, but they are not related to anything organic. Symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, altered pulse, frequent and very annoying myoclonias.

Recently I have started to feel better, so the model porting will be resumed to continue with all the development, I am not going to talk about my mental state with you since I consider that it is something personal, but I just want you to know that all this has been exclusively mental. Thank you very much for reading, let's continue with the development.



Next up

You've got to be kidding me, WHAT IS THIS? XDDDD

“Love? no, just pleasure, you need love to get things, and if there's no chance of love with the one I want... I force it. You won't even realize it, but I, David, can give you a thousand turns without you being able to defend yourself.”

Working and working, moths biting and biting

This Comes From Inside.

Small menu update

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Who are you talking to? Who are you looking to prove it to?

Preview [2]

Early development of the office gameplay

Remember: All material seen in this video may be subject to change, especially the fan because it looks funny XDD

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

da' monitor

still working on it