2 years ago


The list of what gamejolt could add to this website

look gamejolt i know you guys have 4 developers or idk more because i don't really see that much

but please fix your website

spread the word




Next up

as to the fact that i don't have money for a white board i use a virtual one then lol

I never thought that installind microsoft apps without the store would be soo hard

it looks like im running linux now

An alien diplomat wants to introduce itself to Earthlings.

Send them our message of good will by liking this post. If you do, it'll give you coins and stickers!

You have until the quest "A Transmission From Beyond the Stars" expires to like this post.

after some code stealing- i mean working i got some smooth camera working on/ depois de roubar alguns códigos- quero dizer trabalhar neles conseguir uma câmera bem sutil


🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month is Coming Soon! 🏳️‍🌈

Show your pride by completing Pride Month quests and spend Joltbux to support The Trevor Project's mission to help LGBTQ+ youth!

Everything starts on June 1st!

after 1 week of suffering with world 2 and the boss fight for it i p ranked and completed all the chef tasks for world 2


We have a question and we wanna know: What game do you wish would get a sequel? Complete the quest and you'll get a Gaming Legends rewards pack!

imagine having to rework the whole level collision system cause a bug ruined it all