Kevin & Friends - Video Game 2: Epilogue
10 months ago

This game has just received a new update today. (v2.64)

Since the leaderboard system doesn't really work on TurboWarp, I decided to transfer the project to Gandi IDE entirely. Some of my other AT members decided to help on this port, too.

We installed some Gandi extensions, more importantly the Gandi Media Utils extension for the leaderboard system. And it actually worked this time, so you should see scores from other people now. You can also have your own personal leaderboard.

We also installed a few more extensions. This includes the G-Camera, Dolly Clones, Fermi, Gandi Quake, and Arko's Extension. The game now has the ability to perform camera shaking, camera zooming, advanced cloning, and fancy graphical effects.

Additionally, besides the extension stuff, we did a couple of performance optimizations and some new sound effects, too.

This new update will give you a new experience, and the graphical effects will make it more entertaining. If you're curious, then don't hesitate to give this a try.



Next up

TurboWarp Desktop has recently been updated, just to let you guys know.

What’s up? A new game page from the Ages Team is published! No packages are released, yet, but we’re almost done and we’ll release a trailer afterwards.

Bro’s gonna get sued.

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

Nice to see the amount of likes I have had been all filled with my favorite number.

(Or favorite number from my childhood, in case if you become skeptical about it).

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

To start off with something more normal, I’ll just go ahead and share some leaks for SPZ’s new level textures, something that AT has been working on for a couple of hours.

It’s , ngl.

So, remember I once announced this here?

Well, I hate to say that I have to cancel it. Reason for this is due to the huge negative backlash from the Gandi IDE community.

But its resources will be used on Heaven Saga from the poll on my Discord server.

what ya'll think?

The 3rd entry's thumbnail is too bland, so I redid the whole thing.