20 days ago

this is actually a canon thing and prob a reference at same time

rushed part 2 i guess



Next up

next on get beated up by ''remake'' is hell

no actually that is his name

plus enraged form added

hell ''remake''

plus introduced is enraged form

''he smells like oil''

''abandon all hope whoever meets this hellspawn''

just realized

the enraged form image looks smaller

uh o h

best hoax tbh

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

''You should head home, you havent eat today''

-vacuum cleaner


the equivalent to satan vs the equivalent to satan

fredso got turned into a fucking glass ball

''the tower's gunshoots and the singer of the song screaming apex predator can be still heared from miles''

Tanya doodle


how im gonna explain someone that my favorite villain is literally the ancestor of flumpty¿''

''eh doesnt matter''