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So, things have been quiet. Well, reason being we're retexturing work and planning more stuff that'll go into the final. I can't show the other version, but have this one
Retextures by my friend: @MeikoHiya
@TheRealHeavyTF2 introduced something to me, not directly, but it was on my timeline. Y'all going down with me. Pomni-man is real now. It's okay.
Did a test render, didn't bother much on the posing or lighting, just wanted to see if things worked properly and it seems everything does without errors so wooo
Model by: @Mortuus
Did a test render with the endo made by @Leeeeee
I won't say what it's for yet, that'll get a reveal later on by a teaser.
SCOTT IS ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(another test so not final lmao)
So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus
One big happy family!!!
(I'm bored and waiting on stuffs, but in the meantime have this amazing awesome, spectacular even test render woooOOO)
Better look of image here:…
"Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner"
Better look of the outside.
Cutouts are now added. (By @Inky_Bun )
Lighting by: @DaRadsla
Outside map by: @deluxe_rainbow_channel