I’ve listened to the feedback I have gotten from people and I’ve made some big changes
A WHOLE NEW CONTROLS SYSTEM! - I have simplified the control system from several buttons to just two! “W” to move up and “P” to shoot. I think this had made a huge difference in the gameplay and has resulted in a much more user friendly and a more addicting fun style of playing! I am close to releasing the Android version and on this there will be an A (to move) button and B (to shoot) button that is reminiscence in style to the same A and B buttons that were on your old gameboys.
A NEW LEVEL! - People were not too crazy about Asteroid Attack saying it was way too hard and it did not really fit in with the fun themes of the other levels so I re-did it! New art and a new enemy! Sheep! The level is called Fleece Navidad…. and yes, pun intended. In my opinion this is now one of the best if not the most artistically pleasing levels on the game!
A SKIP FOR NOW BUTTON ON THE LOGIN PAGE! - I know not everyone wants to make an account so they can save their scores and check where they rank in the world for SpacePirateDuck so now I have included a much more easier and noticeable way to skip the login page and go straight into the game!
RAPID FIRE! - you can now hold down P for constant shooting! This means more points!
I think these updates have made this game 10x better and I think it will make for a much better experience on phones. I will be posting to the Android store soon, however to publish to Apple’s app store I will need to pay $99 dollars so I want to know do you guys think this would be a fun game to have on your iPhones and can you see yourself playing it again and again? Thanks for your help please rate it and leave a review!