20 days ago

this is YOUR chance to ask him how turning a fan game into a PRODUCT can be morally good for the fanverse. convince me that kane is not greedy or a selfish liar.



Next up

Some fun facts i found about Cabin Fever 2 because i don't have to do nothing now. (SPOILERS BTW)

finally i can use the same weapon kane used and i created a meme.

this is what is exactly what i was referring in my posts about kane.

Dear Players and Fans

after TAF 0, i've decided to have more burdens that i want to get rid of it.

POV: you and ERIC celebrate both my birthday and the 7th anniversary of jolly 3 chapter 2

NEW fun facts i found about Cabin Fever 2 (STILL SPOILERS)

Walking Section playable

i made this for the release of cabin fever 2 but I think that after this, I have to sleep tonight without even a minimum amount of darkness in the room because they will probably appear in the dark telling me that I'm living in an illusion.

I think of this Eminem's new song Houdini whenever I think of 2016 popgoes meeting with the current popgoes, and I think what happens if the original popgoes meets with popgoes evergreen. (only chaos can tell)