
4 years ago

This will be one hell of a hard screen to see. I really hope you guys can see it in your games ;D
#indiegame #gamedev #devlog #soon #BreathGame


Esse vai ser uma tela beeem difícil de ver. Eu espero que vocês consigam ver um dia no jogo de vocês ;D

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Next up

Working on visuals improvements for my #indiegame Breath... created that gore texture using ShaderGraph :D #gamedev #madewithunity Breath is also on #steam: PT-BR:

Doing some testings for my next game... all looks good so far

I've just created two buttons on #unity that I think it's HUGE. Why is it not default? I'm not much into wasting time changing the engine itself and not the game, but this saves a lot of time. #gamedev #indiedev #indiebr

A quick teaser of the 'Spirit Slingers' that you'll encounter within Wraths realm ☠️ ☠️

It has been some time since I last posted a devlog... it is not much, but here you can see that now your flight will have more clear instructions and some plataform tests I've been working on ;)

Breath is already available on Steam, update soon! PT-BR:

Have you already had your beach holiday?😎 You deserve it🏖️

Trying my personalized water made with #shadergraph to reuse in multiple games. Still #WIP but going pretty well.

The next update of my #indiegame will not only bring bug fixes, but also some new levels and features. I really liked the light effect here, it is supposed to draw the player attention to the game mechanic. #indiebr PT-BR:

#UnderwaterDiving BETA DEMO 0.98.0 AVAILABLE

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive #fish and #mines

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 20240616

BETA DEMO also available on #Steam:

I was not happy with the game graphics and reworked the toon effect. It was easier than I thought it would be and now it seems real toonish. Ignore the meshs, it is from other project and I just needed a detailed mesh