SHOWMAN'S: Long Hours

2 years ago

Tiny Devlog for Long Hours!

I honestly don't have anything major to share at the moment, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to make a post anyway because it's been a while. You also get a look at the Prize Counter camera view, too!

The speed of Long Hours' development really comes and goes, but a while back there was some pretty great progress being made, and at this rate, I think I'm finally happy with how the game plays out with its mechanics after another adjustment to them.

Just by going off some early test runs, this game is no doubt going to be just as or even more stressful than The Awakening. I can't say it's perfect, but my goal is to make sure it's fair but also challenging, and I think I'm doing pretty good on that part so far.

It's still going to be quite a long while until the game is finished, unfortunately, but hey, progress is progress, after all!

On a side note, Security Breach's DLC is coming out in FOUR DAYS! I'm super excited to dive into that and see how it plays out, because it looks amazing so far!



Next up

To make up for all of the swapping between engine stuff, have an INCREIDBLY early look at Wendy's (somewhat) updated model! There's a lot that's subject to change of course!

Yes, she's still in Chapter 2. Very important character!


Hey all! Not necessarily related to Long Hours, but I've been meaning to do another Q&A again lately.

Please check the comments first just in case someone else has asked the same question you have. It just makes it a little easier for me!

Ask away!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Phobia: Long Hours has hit 2,000 followers!

Thank you all so much!

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Devlog for Long Hours!

“Knock, Knock.”

Had to share this while working because Cap'n Cackle just looks genuinely so happy right here lol.

Really awesome how friendly or terrifying these guys can look with different lighting and texturing.