7 years ago


So I guess I should give you guys some extra tips on the game, figuring that the best thing to do about the problem i’m facing is to get a new computer. The PC’s just getting old. It’s just wearing down. So I guess that I won’t be able to touch programming for a little while. So if you don’t hear anything Horde 3 related from me, that’s probably why. I might also do a Devcast, figuring that I’ve worked on this game for a little while. I still remember livestreaming news on Project Yortusin, back when that was a thing… We don’t talk about that game anymore. I might bring it back, but that’s another subject for another post.

  1. You can hold-click and hold the F key while hovering over the gray poster in room 4 to activate a minigame night. It was a joke that got turned into it’s own night. I won’t go into detail about it, because it’s just a joke night.

  2. You can press the Plus and Minus keys on your keyboard while in the main menu to make night selection easier.

  3. There is no save data on this game. You simply just jump into whatever night you think you’re ready for. If ya wanna jump into Night 7, go right ahead. I can’t wait to hear your crying about it being insanely hard, but it CAN get harder. I CAN create a 7/20 mode. I have proven Night 7 to be beatable, so you can beat it. It’s mostly skill based. If you want to learn how to make Night 7 less of a pain, feel free to read the player’s guide. I would recommend that, as this game is pretty complicated.

That is about all of whatever else I could point out about the game. I don’t feel the need to do any more guides to anything about this game, as nothing else in the game really matters that much. The minigames in between nights are just there to mainly pay homage to what started everything about this.

P.S. I REALLY wouldn’t recommend Project Yortusin. That game is terrible. The first game I ever did. It has poor controls, and bugs galore. If you don’t want to lose your soul, simply don’t play that game. If I say it’s bad, then it’s REALLY bad. I just wanted to make a post getting anything else off my chest that I needed to get off my chest. I’ll definitely return one day, but I’m mainly going to be in the sidelines from here on out. Hopefully in a few months I can get everything set up to where I can return. I WILL RETURN THOUGH. I still haven’t told the story of The Horde 3: Forgotten Memories. There’s also SO many more games that I could make after The Horde 3… So if you think that The Horde 3 is going to be the last Horde, think again.



Next up



The teeth used by a poopy-eating bucket helmet... Terrifying. So this is what an HDR Kick Bucket Cross' teeth would look like...


Here's another one of the tip pages, to show that I'm not ded lmao:

Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.

Lefunni Chompling Memes (I made these in 30 minutes, from random effects in Paint Net)


I've released a demo showcasing a bunch of proposed changes for the updated version of the game; namely a complete overhaul of the heating mechanic. There's also a Google Form for after you play the demo build, to give feedback.