Random Nights At Randomness : Updated Collection

2 months ago

Tis the season.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get RNAR 9 or 10 Recoded done for either Christmas or New Years Eve.

However, don't worry, as I will be working much more on them now that I've got one out of the two games done.

They are both scheduled for an Early 2025 release, but nothing confirmed...


I will publish a two videos today, with one of them being the first trailer for RNARWWL! It will show the finalized gameplay, but I haven't completed too much so don't expect any major reveals... Most likely it will all be stuff from the Progress Update livestreams.

Speaking of, I'll probably do a game development livestream today or tomorrow depending on how long I am taken hostage.

Other than that, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday/Happy Shut The Fuck Up, and keep an eye out for one more game releasing on New Years Eve Eve!

You won't wanna miss it...



Next up

Things get much worse...


killer man

from the famous game we all know and love...

go nuts (add whatever you want)

RNAR dev team


Late to the party, but you're still real.
