Undertale: parallel reality

2 years ago

title and menu have been updated.



Next up

Help is urgently needed to create a game!! (For me to hire you, talk to me in the chat)

October... (Anyone who plays geometry dash will understand)

Sans at the battle

replacing other skins with custom and its menu, well, you can create your own character

My appeal is here (again)


New menu (test)

(I'm back) In order for lv 21 and above to be of some use, I decided to add "Upgrade Cards". This will allow you to choose what you want to improve, but each card has a limit (that's the downside). They will only appear when you raise lv 21 and above.

I apologize for not showing what will be in the game for so long, but I have prepared something for future updates (if the game comes out)


Sans at the battle (remastered)