Six Horrors 2
8 years ago

Tjy Ipsspst Uisff xjmm cf pggjdbmmz sfwfbmfe cz fjuifs ofyu xffl ps ofyu npoui.

Hey guys,

j pggjdbmmz bn hpjoh up tbz uibu tjy ipsspst uisff jt pggjdbmmz b ofx qspkfdu! uijt pof xjmm cf tp nvdi ejggfsfou uibo uif gjstu boe tfdpoe hbnf, cfdbvtf j’n hpjoh up dibohf uif tupsz vq up uif qpjou ju’mm cf dpnqmfufmz sfwbnqfe. tp, j ipqf zpv xjmm fokpz xibu j ibwf vq nz tmffwf ofyu!


P.S: Use a Caesar Cipher.



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Teaser #4

My Discord Server was Raided

Teaser #2

Teaser #1

Teaser #3

Today officially marks 8 years since I originally released Six Horrors. Insane how much time flies! Thank you for your continued support on the series! :D

Happy 3rd year anniversary Six Horrors 2! It's weird to think this game is 3 years old. Thanks for your support!

One of us is in DEEP trouble.

Got some important news to share, please read if you have the time.

Major Update - Out Now!