The Night Shift: Iggy's Funhouse Remastered
4 years ago

TNS Classic Archive Page now up on Gamejolt

Hi all!

So I haven't posted anything in a long time......I may as well use this opportunity to update you all on my whereabouts.

So to start off, I turned 18 2 months back, time sure flies and knowing I made these games when I just turned 13 does not give me any comfort.

I will make it clear from the off that no I have not been working on any TNS projects. I worked on TNS 2 until about mid 2018 before I called it off, haven't gone back to it since.

Now that part above was a lie, I was working on a TNS Experience remake game for Halloween but I never finished it. I made 1 little measly room.

I've been switching to Blender so I'll have to figure that out if I ever go back to it.


I have ideas for TNS games all the time, but TNS 2 is one I don't know if and when I'll come back too.

I'm at that point in my life now where I can't really mess around and I should be focusing on what matters for my future. As much as I love to make games like TNS, it doesn't support me financially obviously.

That's not to say I won't make one at some point, but it won't be the size of TNS 2 as that is a big boy that I am not ready to dedicate time too.

There's one place in the story I haven't gone too yet so I may consider doing that but it won't be anything nuts for sure.


Now what I have been doing game wise that I've dedicated a fair amount of time too is a project of my own, not entirely sure what it is going to be yet. Got inspiration from older top down shooter games though. Zombies and all. I can't disclose much about it here and I certainly won't be showing it. Anyone who's a member on my YouTube channel gets access to videos of it though.

Anyway so what you all came here for!

The Night Shift: Iggy's Funhouse (Classic Archive)

There is much more information on the actual page for the game but either way I've had a lot of people come to me asking for download links to the older versions of TNS.

I removed the game originally because I hated it and still do but thought it wouldn't hurt to reinstate it which is why I decided to turn it into a big ol' collection of old Iggy's Funhouse related projects, like the original demos and such as I still have that glorious collection of bytes on my external drive.

Appreciate the support as always, make sure to follow my account on Gamejolt as I post a fair few status posts there every so often.

Hope you enjoy the nostalgia.



Next up

Not ready to show the game yet but I thought I'd at least leave you all with this in the meantime. (There's no actual private tech test going on at the moment.)

There is a page in the works but I have no idea when it'll be ready.

Still fairly work in progress but happy with what I've made so far.

Gamejolt compression sucks though. :(

art comission.

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

Sometimes the suction cup get sticky. Small animation I made in Blender after doing my tutorial on picking up/dropping objects in animations. Crate model by jQueary (…).



Ibuki Mioda!

Strange Umbrella

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog:

Only true badasses may pass! #conceptart #art #gamedesign