Five Nights in FNaFTube: [PROJECT FUSION] (cancelled like fr fr)

4 years ago

today i made this probably usless mask and i slapped it on the endoskeleton head model...oh, also i added something on the page's ost

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Next up

Taking a quick detour from Codename Galaxy to work on a 5-years-late secret santa present dedicated to a dear friend of mine. CG's demo is still planned to come out near the end of Q1. Sorry for the inconvenience.


That dog girl from the Walten Files's new halloween special you should watch rn.

Thank you for 100 followers!


Hi @Mixlas may i borrow this fella for a Five Nights at Dawko's "remake thingy"? Just wanted to be sure (i remade him myself, if i don't get a response i'll take it as a yes).

Rat Race Production Update

I trashed the old office and i started making a new one today.

I also made a quick scrolling test with a tutorial on YT (link in article). I'm going to make a new one later down the line.

I'm also still learning FL Studio so progress is kinda slow rn.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been pretty busy lately.

About time i made this post: the game's been dead for a while. I made a gallery archiving some images as a final goodbye to the project.…