2 days ago

Today i redrew Ariana The Lesbian Hedgehog but with new clothes. She's still thicc. I hope you like it

She still had girlfriend Floxie Shy The Lesbian Furry Fox. If you don't like lesbian art then don't go my page

She's mexican but still lesbian

She can cebrate: Her Birthday. Halloween. Chrismas. 15 September Night México. Pride Month

She dosen't cebrate 4 July

She loves Floxie Shy and the other loves her back

She's hot and thicc

She hates Dragon Ball and South Park and Pizza Tower

She still had her little femboy brother: Michael The Femboy Hedgehog

She loves drink pepsi

She smirks

Her favorite snack is fire takis and her favorite food is hot dog

She's strong

If you hate or no like LGTBQ+ then don't go my page



Next up

Today i finished this drawing of Female Nightmare Sonic / Nightmare Sonica but no thicc. I hope you like it :D

If you don't like genderswap art then don't go my page

Wip art of Female Nightmare Sonic but still no finished :)

Rambley from Indigo Park 🦝 :D

Picture not mine but i love Rambley <3

Love yourself even if pride month is now over, stay strong someone does/will love you for you. #PrideJolt #Trans

Thank you @Cakerman <3

Your support for the Trevor Project is truly life-saving. While June has passed, our pride continues to shine brightly! Let’s embrace and uplift the LGBTQ+ community both on Game Jolt and beyond. You all are amazing!

Today i was redrawing my Female Nightmare Tails but still no finished and also i posted in my other community called : FNaS Artist ✨ https://gamejolt.com/c/i-r2r6cg

New pfp today <3

Oh hey look it's @GemOnGJ ! :3 My first submission to Art Fight!

Basically i found these pictures in twitter :D

The pictures not mine but i love It